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Excerpt of the Podcast:
John Kremer:
“You say that the two insights that lead to liberation. One is to recognized that the dream of the thinking defines me in an experience of myself and two to realize that I am that what I am is not an experience and it's unperceivable and undefinable.”
Dr Louis Koster:
“You see all of that can be said as what you just did, it only makes sense in a place of examination. So you could say that what what is unexamined leads to bondage.”
“So by giving yourself the opportunity to literally allow and let be whatever is arising your consciousness, and it can be like anything, if you take it on as a practice and you're consistent in that, and that takes courage, then at some point it will give you the opportunity to actually see what is not true.”
“Like you see these thoughts coming or arising and they tell you all kind of things about yourself. And rather than or instead, like "Oh I don't like that!" and move away from that or shy away from that... if you let that be and you're getting the full experience of it... there's an awakening so to speak that tells you, "well this is not what I am."
“It is true that all of that stuff comes up but it's not what I am. Then there's an awakening to basically the absurdity of it. Like how you've lived your life being informed by something that is not of your own making. These things, they come up.
“That is a crucial insight that has you less identify with it. And then it gives you the question, "then what is real about my life?" "If not that, then what?"
“So, if that is not reality.. if that is not true, then what is true? So only that opens up the question, "what then is true?" But you can only see the truth or let's say the truth can only start talking to you when you are first clear about what is not true. Otherwise you can't hear it. You're too much part of it. You're too much involved. Your attention is too much wrapped up in what is in front of you, or that you're part of that you're not even aware that you are a part of.”
“It's just the way it is. It's like how you experience life. But it doesn't have to be like that.”
John Kremer:
When you say "that is untrue," it's essentially what everybody experiences every day. Yes. What is true is beyond that experience.”
Louis Koster:
“But you can only find it out through your own experience. Someone telling you that that's not true is not going to make any difference. Right. If you don't experience it yourself... if you don't go through the process... if you don't allow for the totality of what arises, you get stuck in the trick of memory and whatever then unfolds and unleashes in your consciousness, then grabs you in an experience.”
“And that's then the only thing that is there. I can give you an example that came to me while you were talking... it's interesting. I remember from primary school. I had a stutter and I came home crying and my mother asked me, "why are you crying?" and I responded that I was in the classroom waiting for my turn to read an assignment and the children laughed and I said it was horrible. I was distraught.”
“Then my mother said, "oh, it's not true what the children say about you and you are a really nice boy;" or you know, "you are a beautiful person." or whatever she said to encourage me to see another perspective.”
“But all that didn't make any difference. So. it is truly through your own experience that you can at some point discern whatever that dynamic of the thinking that is unleashed by someone's speech that tends to grab me, if I let it be, and I have the full look at it so to speak, I can see its inauthenticity.”
“It's something that comes up without your consent and tells you all kind of things about yourself. "I am going to take that for real?" "ls that true?" "What is this?" You can't deny that this is a dynamic that takes place, but you can' question the validity of it, or the truth of it.”
“You can never get rid of the mental process or you can't get rid of that dynamic, but you can see it for what it is and then realize that whatever it tells you is not your true self. It's not!
Watch the video of the podcast on YouTube and subscribe to the Talking Diaries YouTube channel con subtitulo en español.
Dr Louis Koster, distinguished humanitarian, poet, nonduality expert and bestselling author served for over ten years as a medical doctor for “Doctors Without Borders” and other humanitarian organizations in trouble spots across the globe. For his humanitarian efforts, Dr. Koster has received numerous awards and has appeared on radio, television, and news shows.
And one last thing: What questions do you have about this podcast? Just reply to this email or write a comment to let me know.
With love,
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