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Excerpt of the Podcast:
John Kremer:
“I know that there's the insight you had of when you allow for the totality of what arises, you now have nothing to hide from; nothing to be afraid of; nothing to pretend.”
“What remains is just being myself. And the experience of peace that I had forgotten.”
“The peace of just being myself. I really like that expression.”
Dr Louis Koster:
“I wrote that in the context when you said "when you allow for whatever is coming up your consciousness," you come to a place of actually seeing the inauthenticity of it.”
“And when you see the inauthnticity, then there is truly nothing that you need to hide from.”
“Because even the biggest nonsense the mind tells you about yourself, or even others that may occur as horrific, or may occur as this or that, knowing that it is inauthentic, like it's not of your own making, it is a dynamic arising, you can basically shrug your shoulders. It's like, "Okay well that was interesting!"
“So, you don't have to do anything with it. Like, you don't have to handle it. You don't have to become worried, like "Oh am I judgmental?" or "I didn't know that I had these considerations."
“No, all of that is all inaccurate. It's not that "you" are having these considerations. That is what the mind wants to capture you inside of that you identify yourself with it.”
“It is a dynamic that is a machine going on 24 hours a day when you are not sleeping. And it is a dynamic, the design of which wants to make you perceivable, and capture you in a description that's not you.”
“It is a dynamic that wants to trap you in a sense of self that then you might get embarrassed about. And then you go in engagement with that which only keeps you more caught in that dynamic.”
“By seeing it for what it is and seeing the profound inauthenticity of it, you can just let it be. You don't have to deal with it. You don't have to solve it. You don't have to work it out. You don't have to understand it.”
“All of that keeps it in place and is part of the trap. Trying to get out of the trap is part of being in the trap of the mind.”
Watch the video of the podcast on YouTube and subscribe to the Talking Diaries YouTube channel con subtitulo en español.
Dr Louis Koster, distinguished humanitarian, poet, nonduality expert and bestselling author served for over ten years as a medical doctor for “Doctors Without Borders” and other humanitarian organizations in trouble spots across the globe. For his humanitarian efforts, Dr. Koster has received numerous awards and has appeared on radio, television, and news shows.
And one last thing: What questions do you have about this podcast? Just reply to this email or write a comment to let me know.
With love,
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